What is parking system?

A robotized leaving framework is a mechanical framework intended to limit the region or potentially volume required for leaving vehicles. Like a multi-story parking structure, a mechanized leaving framework gives leaving to vehicles on numerous levels stacked vertically to expand the quantity of parking spots while limiting area utilization. The computerized leaving framework, be that as it may, uses a mechanical framework to move autos to and from parking spots so as to kill a significant part of the space squandered in a multi-story parking structure. While a multi-story parking structure is like different parking areas stacked vertically, a mechanized leaving framework is increasingly like a computerized stockpiling and recovery framework for vehicles. The paternoster is a case of one of the soonest and most basic sorts of robotized stopping framework.

Automised Car Parking Systems.

This system features a pallet that is lifted that is lifted up and then after the car is loaded. Thus additional parking can be made available in the space below the loaded pallet. Both indoor and outdoor installation can be done on simply flat area with no addition architectural work. These system are electromechanically or hydraulically operated.


Technical Specification

  • Storage capacity: 2 Cars (hatchback, sedan, mini SUV) Max. Car Size Consideration as follows:
  • Length: 5000mm
  • Width: 2100mm
  • Height: 2000mm
  • Wheelbase: 2800mm
  • Front/Rear track: 1900mm
  • Anti-fall locking systems provided.
  • Max Lifting Loading: 2000kg 
  • Overall Floor Space: 5000mm(L) X 2650mm(W) X4000mm(H).
  • Colour code: Orange(RAL 2002)(The colour can be customisedas per every requirement)

Suitable for Car Models

  • Sedan and hatchbacks for all levels.
  • SUV for only ground level.

Hydraulic Car Parking System

Hydraulic Car Parking System is like the two post vehicle leaving framework (stack type vehicle leaving framework).

Rather than Rope/Chain, we utilize Hydraulic System to suspend the Car.

We have our propelled plan and model to make the Hydraulic System Independent and Dependent Type

Stacked Parking Systems

We are a main name in the market occupied with rendering world-class Stacked Parking Systems. Our separated experts and specialists minutely appreciate the exact customer’s necessities and furnish them the best administrations with quality affirmation. This work is essentially implied for the building business and we offer at industry driving costs.

High Load Bearing Capcity
Easy & Safe to Operate
AC/DC Opearations
Robust Construction
Faster installation